Recorder Fingerings


Standard Recorder Fingering

basic recorder fingering

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Fingering Bass recorders.

The bass recorder in f  follows the alto fingering but is pitched an octave lower, though there are some slight differences. Similarly the great bass in c follows tenor fingering.
The music is written on the bass clef an octave below its pitch.
The written range for the bass in f is as given on the right. The ranges of recorders from sopranino to contrabass may be found here.

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Trill fingerings

A series of special fingerings are often used for trills to make trilling easier - mostly to avoid some of the complications of the cross fingerings used in the recorder. These can be found using the Recorder digits utility, available for download.

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Alternative fingerings

The recorder also has a variety of alternative fingerings. A comprehensive list may be found on the Recorder Home Page.

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Recorder Ranges

Recorder Ranges on stave
The sopranino in F sounds one octave above the alto and is written one octave lower than it sounds
The contrabass in F sounds one octave below the bass and is written at pitch.

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A useful utility

Recorder Digits is a utility which gives all recorder fingerings, standard and alternative, with trills shown. It is available for free download from the owner's website.

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Copyright © Geoff Walker 2001 - 2003
Last Modified 13 December 2003